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badge-best-seller-amazon-yellow-150x150#1 BEST SELLER on AMAZON

Filled with practical examples, illustrations and anecdotes Course Navigation will give you the solid strategic foundation every player needs for a consistent golf game. You’ll see the course with new eyes. You’ll look at green complexes with new understanding. You’ll recognize how features like bunkers, trees, water, mounds, swales, slopes, and rough are used by course architects to defend the hole against your attack, and you’ll know how to handle them. You’ll approach your shots and your strategy with more confidence. Course Navigation will give you what’s been missing from your golf game: a better way to play golf by using Tour-tested course management strategies and scoring techniques.


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HOW TO MAKE A YARDAGE BOOKbadge-best-seller-amazon-yellow-150x150


A yardage book will tell you more than just distances. A good yardage book is as much about strategy as it is distance. Making your own yardage book will give you the opportunity to customize the yardages and shots to your specific game. It will tell you the best places to hit the ball — and the places you want to avoid.
It will tell you the best angles to the green, help you select the right club, and tell you when you have a green light, yellow light, or red light. It will help you determine which areas of the green to shoot for, and how to read the break when you putt. Making better decisions is how you play smarter golf.


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There’s practice, and then there’s smart practice.

Smart practice is practice with a purpose: working on the right things for the right reasons. It’s doing the right things, the right way. It incorporates structured practice sessions with defined objectives. It’s a strategic approach to analyzing your game so you know where to focus your time and energy for the biggest return. How To Practice Like The Pros includes practical advice and concrete “how to” steps that will get you where you want to go, a whole lot faster, with a whole lot more enjoyment.


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This is really more than a book. It is an entire training system, with a book, videos, and many drills.

This is my training program – the one I used to win two World Long Drive Championships. It’s how I learned how to hit the ball farther. It’s how you can hit the ball farther too. Guaranteed.

The book is around 200 pages of instruction, theory, and practical drills. The training program contains dozens of videos and drills.

The book and the training videos break down the five parts of the golf swing that contribute to distance. Together they make the acronym BLAST – Balance, Leverage, Arc, Speed, Target.

Everybody who goes through the training program adds distance. With more than 20,000 students and counting it’s the world’s best-selling, longest-running distance training program in golf.

The Silver version comes with a book, 18 videos, and online training.

If you love practicing and drills, get the Gold version, which contains everything in the Silver version, plus 62 more drill and advanced technique videos.

SILVER: (Book + Videos + Drills) $58.50

GOLD: (Book + Videos + Drills + Bonus) $117.00

Add SILVER $58.50
Add GOLD $117.00





My next book will be all about Game Management. It is the 2nd in the “Play Strategic Golf” triad and in it you will find a lot of new ideas and approaches to the way you think on the course and the way you train on the range. Game Management breaks golf into three core sections:

  • Know Your Game
  • Play Your Game
  • Improve Your Game

When you are on the course you need a strategy to help you pick the right shot for the situation and then the right club for the shot. Game Management is the art of balancing your capabilities against your limitations, judging risk, allowing for your tendencies, and making smart decisions. Then executing. This book will show you how to get the absolute most out of everything you have, and I am very excited to share the many new ideas in this book.

PS – Want to be the first to read the book?
I’m looking for Collaborators for the final editing phase of publication. Read below to learn more about collaboration and crowdsourcing.







For each of my last publications I’ve used a fascinating process called “Crowdsourcing” for the final book edits. I invited hundreds of golfers to read a pre-publication draft online and make comments, suggestions, and edits.

It’s a lot of fun for the readers because they get to read the book before everybody else, and their comments and suggestions get incorporated right into the final book. There’s a certain amount of pride that comes from knowing their ideas are in print.

I’d like to invite you to participate in my next publication

If you are not familiar with the idea, here is a definition of Crowdsourcing from Wikipedia:

Crowdsourcing “combines the efforts of numerous self-identified volunteers or part-time workers, where each contributor, acting on their own initiative, adds a small contribution that combines with those of others to achieve a greater result.

The goal is to use the collective wisdom of many golfers to produce a fantastic final version that will add lots of value to other golfers and would be much better than any book I write by myself.

It’s a cool process. I literally have hundreds of golfers contributing to the final version and thousands of suggestions. It’s a lot of work on the back end because I read and respond to every comment. But the end result has been worth it, and has led to consecutive #1 Best Seller books.

All collaboration is done online using Google Drive and Google Docs. You read the online book and make comments right on the screen. Google Docs saves all the comments and book versions. Multiple people can even edit at the same time.

You’ll get to read the book before the public gets a chance. You’ll get to see comments from other collaborators. When you post a comment you’ll get your name in the book in the final version. You’ll get a f r e e copy of the book when it is published.

It will also help your golf game :)

I keep the comment period open for about two weeks. Then I incorporate all the suggestions and corrections into the book and publish it on Amazon.

If it sounds interesting and you want to join me, put your name and email in the form and hit submit. I’ll send you a follow-up email with instructions and your link to the document once it is open for editing.


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