
The 5 Keys To Distance

  • The BEST distance training program in golf
  • Delivered two World Championship titles
  • Over 12,000 happy customers worldwide
  • 5 Modules with videos and drills
  • My Formula for Consistency, Speed and Power
  • Online Training portal plus full-length book

$58.50 (Silver level edition – Includes hard-copy book + DVD)



The 5 Keys To Distance GOLD

  • If you love drills this program is for you
  • Same program as Silver, except on steriods
  • 7 modules, dozens of drills on video
  • Advanced Learning and Practice Techniques
  • Bonus Interviews and downloads
  • Hard copy book + 3-DVD set
  • Access to everything online

$117.00 (Gold level edition – Includes hard-copy book + 3 DVD set)

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Scoring Clubs 2-DVDs


  • Scoring Clubs is all about dialing in your scoring wedges from 75-125 yards
  • Most golfers will shave two to six shots per round following this program
  • Learn your full-swing and 3/4 swing distances and tendencies
  • Learn your “Favorite Wedge” distance (and the strategy for using it to your advantage)
  • Learn to calibrate your swing to develop feel
  • You’ll play with a lot more confidence
  • You’ll know how to hit a lot more approach shots a lot closer to the hole
  • Access to everything online


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I designed this program for golfers who don’t have a lot of time to practice and who want to make their range time as effective as possible.

  • It’s a 6-month training program that focuses on one key part of the game per week
  • You get one video per week with a specific skill to master and performance metrics so you can track your progress
  • The lessons are designed to be done in 35 to 40 minutes, so you can do them over lunch time (that’s where “brown bagging” comes in)
  • For example, one week you’ll focus on Center Contact with your driver. I’ll show you how to measure and track your results, and give you a goal to reach (7 of 10)

You’ll find this to be a really fun and productive way to practice, and you’ll find yourself looking forward to each new email, wondering what you’ll be working on that week and how it’s going to help your game.


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  • How to bring your “A” game to the course
  • Advice for the proper way to warm up
  • How to get rid of First Tee Jitters
  • Includes video, audio, and handy checklist
  • Simple and effective
  • Immediate access to everything online

$7.00 (less than a sleeve of balls – which you’ll probably save your first round)

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Before you scroll down to the Training Programs I invite you to watch this entertaining and informative TED Talk video from Salman Khan on “flipping” the classroom.

His ideas about the way we can use online training are having a profound effect on education and the way we learn. His ideas are equally applicable to golf.

The traditional model (in schools) is lecture in the classroom then practice at home. It’s similar to golf instruction: we provide a “lesson” full of information and then send you off to practice on your own.

But at the 6:30 mark Khan describes how watching the “lecture” online first allows the student to learn at their own time and pace. It allows for greater comprehension because the student can pause, rewind, and review many times until they “get it.” Then – when they are in class – they can actually work with the concepts with an expert (the teacher).

The implications for traditional golf instruction are equally profound. I wish I could count the number of times I’ve explained basic concepts like grip, posture, athletic balance, etc. during a lesson. It takes so much time to explain the concepts that we rarely have time to actually work on them.

But what if my students could watch a video that explains the concepts before they get to the lesson? How much more time would we have to devote to actual mastery of the skill?

I’m excited about the idea.

Because wouldn’t it be great to actually work on mastering the skills with your coach instead of just learning the ideas?

Stay tuned for a big announcement from us on online training.

Please scroll down to see our online training programs.