Eric Jones Golf Academy In Local Schools

Here’s a highlight reel from our recent visit to a local middle school, where we introduced golf to nearly 180 students as part of their PE class. They had a blast, and so did we.

We had nearly 30 kids an hour for all six periods. We brought a blow-up bouncy-house hitting net so they could hit real golf balls. We set up a chipping station and putting station. Half the class rotated through the three stations for half the period. The other half of the class played our own version of “golf baseball” with SNAG gear. Then everybody switched. We kept the kids moving, and they all got a chance to learn about golf. We had some great help from the PE staff, which was much appreciated.

The kids all had so much fun, and the principal and vice-principal were so impressed that we got invited to come back again. We’re looking forward to it!

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